SC Rules Long Form



1. These rules shall be the only rules, which apply to the Security Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) and shall be considered adopted by the Assembly prior to its first meeting. These rules shall also apply to all other committees, except where superseded by a rules addendum for that body.

3. For purposes of these rules, the Committee Director, the Assistant Director(s), Chair(s) and the Director-General are designates and agents of the Secretary-General, and are collectively referred to as the “Secretariat”. 

4. Interpretation of the rules shall be reserved exclusively to the Secretary-General or her or his designate. Such interpretation shall be in accordance with the philosophy and principles of the Model United Nations at the University of Washington (herein referred to as “UW-MUN”) and in furtherance of the educational mission of the UW Spring Conference. 

5. For the purpose of these rules, “Director” shall refer to the chairperson or acting chairperson of the body. 

Rule 1 – Membership
1. The UW Spring Conference Security Council shall consist of the fifteen current members of the United Nations Security Council. 
2. Each member shall have no more than one representative in the Council. 

Rule 2 – Dates of convening and adjournment
The Council shall meet every year, when possible, in regular session, commencing and closing on the dates designated by the Secretary-General. 

Rule 3 – Place of sessions
The Council shall meet at a location designated by the Secretary-General. 

Rule 4 – Provisional agenda
The provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General and communicated to the Members of the United Nations.

Rule 5 – Adoption and Revision of the agenda
The agenda provided by the Secretary-General shall be considered proposed as of the beginning of the session. The Council may vote to accept such a proposal or may vote to approve an agenda consisting of the items within the proposed agenda in a different order, or consisting of any items deemed by the Secretary-General to be within the mandates of the Council. 


Rule 6- Official and working language
English shall be the official and working language of the Assembly. 


Rule 7 – Quorum
The President may declare a meeting open and permit debate to proceed when representatives of at least nine of the fifteen members of the Council are present. The presence of nine members shall be required for any decision to be taken.

Rule 8 – General powers of the Director
In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon her/him elsewhere by these rules, the Director shall declare the opening and closing of each meeting of the Assembly, direct the discussion, ensure observance of these rules, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce decisions. The Director, subject to these rules, shall have complete control of the proceedings of the Assembly and over the maintenance of order at its meetings. He or she shall rule on points of order. He or she may propose to the Assembly the closure of the list of speakers, a limitation on the time to be allowed to speakers, the adjournment or closure of debate, and the suspension or adjournment of a meeting. 

Included in these enumerated powers is the Director’s power to assign speaking times for all speeches incidental to motions and amendments. Further, the Director is to use her/his discretion, upon the advice and at the consent of the Secretariat, to determine whether to entertain a particular motion based on the philosophy and principles of the UW Spring Conference. Such discretion should be used on a limited basis and only under circumstance where it is necessary to advance the educational mission of the conference. For purposes of this rule, the Director’s power to “propose to the Council” entails her/his power to “entertain” motions, and not to move the body on her or his own accord.

Rule 9 – Order of motions
The order of precedence of motions shall be the order that the motions are listed in the short form of the rules.

Rule 10 – Points of Order
1. During the discussion of any matter, a representative may rise to a point of order, which shall be decided immediately by the Director.
2. A representative may not, in rising to a point of order, speak on the substance of the matter under discussion. Point of order pertains only to procedural matters. Such points of order should not interrupt the speech of a fellow representative. Any questions on order arising during a speech made by a representative should be raised at the conclusion of the speech, or can be addressed by the Director during the speech. For purposes of this rule, “the members present and voting” mean those members in attendance at the meeting during which this motion comes to a vote. 

Rule 11 – Point of Information
During the discussion of any matter, a representative may rise to a point of information, which shall be immediately answered by the Director or other Staff member. A point of information may pertain to procedural matters of the committee, substantive matters dealing with the question before the body, but may not pertain to a speech that a representative has made. 

When answering a point of information pertaining to the question, the Director or Secretariat may only answer with facts pertaining to the question, and not with personal opinion or with recommendations on how to deal with the question. 

Rule 12 – Speeches
1. No one may address the Council without having been previously recognized by the Director. The Director shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak.

2. Debate shall be confined to the question before the Council, and the Director may call a speaker to order if her/his remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion.

3. The Council may limit the time allowed to speakers and all representatives may speak on any question. When debate is limited and a speaker exceeds the allotted time, the Director shall call her or him to order without delay.  

Rule 13 – Closing of the list of speakers
1. Members may only be on the list of speakers once, but may be added again after having spoken. During the course of a debate the Director may announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the Council, declare the list closed. When there are no more speakers, the President shall declare the debate closed. Such closure shall have the same effect as closure by decision of the Council. 

2. During the discussion of any matter, a representative may move to close the speakers list. The motion shall be put to a vote, requiring the support of a majority of the members present and voting to pass.  The decision to announce the list of speakers is within the discretion of the president and should not be the subject of a motion by the Council. A motion to close the speakers list is within the purview of the Council and the President should not act on his/her own accord. 

Rule 14 – Suspension of the meeting
1. During the discussion of any matter, a representative may move for a suspension of the
meeting for the purpose of an unmoderated caucus, specifying a time for reconvening. Such motions shall not be debated but shall be put to a vote, requiring the support of a majority of the members present and voting to pass. 

2. During the discussion of any matter, a representative may move for a moderated debate, which is a form of a suspension of the meeting, specifying an amount of time for the moderated debate as well as a speaking time. Such motions shall not be debated but shall be put to a vote, requiring the support of a majority of the members present and voting to pass. 

Rule 15 - Adjournment of the meeting
During the discussion of any matter, a representative may move the adjournment of the meeting. Such motions shall not be debated but shall be put to the vote, requiring the support of a majority of the members present and voting to pass. The Director will not entertain such a motion until the end of the last meeting of the Assembly. 

Rule 16 - Adjournment of debate
A representative may at any time move for an adjournment of debate of the question. Permission to speak on the motion shall be accorded to two representatives favoring and two opposing adjournment of debate, after which the motion shall be immediately put to a vote, requiring the support of a majority of the members present and voting to pass. This vote must be taken by roll call. If a motion for adjournment of debate passes, the topic is considered dismissed and no action will be taken on it. The vote described in this rule is a procedural vote and, as such, observers are permitted to cast a vote. For purposes of this rule, “those present and voting” mean those delegates, including observers, in attendance at the meeting during which this motion comes to a vote. 

Rule 17 – Decision of competence
During the discussion of any matter, a representative may raise a decision of competence, which shall be decided by a majority vote of the Council. The decision of competence shall be moved when a representative feels that a question or proposal is out the purview of the Council. 

Rule 18 - Closure of debate
A representative may at any time move for the closure of debate on the question. Permission to speak on the motion shall be accorded to two representatives opposing the closure, after which the motion shall be put to the vote immediately. Closure of debate shall require a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. If the Assembly favors the closure of debate, the Assembly shall immediately move to vote on all proposals introduced under that agenda item.  The vote described in this rule is a procedural vote and, as such, observers are permitted to cast a vote. For purposes of this rule, “those present and voting” mean those delegates, including observers, in attendance at the meeting during which this motion comes to a vote.

Rule 19 - Reconsideration of a topic
When a topic has been adjourned, it may not be reconsidered at the same session unless the Council, by a two- thirds majority of those present and voting, so decides. Reconsideration can only be moved by a representative who voted on the prevailing side of the original motion to adjourn. Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two speakers opposing the motion, after which it shall be put to the vote immediately. For purposes of this rule, “those present and voting” means those representatives, including observers, in attendance at the meeting during which this motion is voted upon by the body. 

Rule 20 – Proposals and amendments
Proposals (Resolutions and Presidential Statements) and substantive amendments shall be submitted to the Director, with the names of twenty percent of the members of the Council that would like the Council to consider the proposal or amendment. The Director may, at their discretion, approve the proposal or amendment for circulation among the delegations. If the sponsors agree to the adoption of an amendment, the proposal shall be modified accordingly and no vote shall be taken on the amendment. If any sponsors should oppose the adoption of an amendment, a substantive vote on the amendment shall be taken prior to the consideration of the proposal during voting procedure. A document modified in this manner shall be considered as the proposal pending before the Council for all purposes, including subsequent amendments. For purposes of this rule, all “proposals” shall be in the form of working papers prior to their approval by the Director. The copying and distribution of amendments is at the discretion of the Director, but the substance of all such amendments will be made available to all representatives in some form. 

Rule 21 - Withdrawal of proposals, amendments and motions
A proposal, amendment, or motion may be withdrawn by its sponsor(s) at any time before voting has commenced, provided that it has not been amended. A proposal, amendment, or motion thus withdrawn may be reintroduced by any representative. 


Rule 22 - Voting rights
Each member of the Assembly shall have one vote. This rule applies to substantive voting on amendments, draft resolutions, and portions of draft resolutions divided out by motion. As such, all references to “member(s)” do not include observers, who are not permitted to cast votes on substantive matters. 

Rule 23 - Request for a vote
A proposal before the Assembly shall be voted upon if any representative so requests. Where no representative requests a vote, the Assembly may adopt proposals or motions without a vote. For purposes of this rule, “proposal” means any draft resolution, an amendment thereto, or a portion of a draft resolution divided out by motion. Just prior to a vote on a particular proposal or motion a representative may move to accept the proposal or motion by acclamation. If there are no objections to the proposal or motion, then it is adopted without a vote. 

Rule 24 - Majority required
1. Unless specified otherwise in these rules, procedural decisions of the Council shall be made by a majority consisting of nine or more members of the Council voting in favor. 

2. All substantive decisions of the Council shall require for passage the approval of nine members of the Council, including the concurrent vote or abstention of the five permanent members of the Security Council. For the purpose of tabulation, absent members of the Security Council are considered “abstentions,” including the Permanent Members.  

Rule 25 - Method of voting
1. The Council shall conduct all substantive votes by roll call, except when a member shall request an approval by acclamation. Roll call votes shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the members. The name of each present member shall be called in any roll call vote, and one of its representatives shall reply “yes,” “no,” “no with rights,” “abstention,” or “pass”. 

2. The vote of each member participating in a roll call vote shall be inserted in the record.  Only those members who designate themselves as “present” or “present and voting” during the attendance roll call, or in some other manner communicate their attendance to the Director, are permitted to vote and, as such, no others will be called during a roll call vote. Any representatives replying, “pass,” must, on the second time through, respond with either “yes,” “no.” A “pass” cannot be followed by a second “pass” for the same proposal or amendment, nor may it be followed by an abstention on that same proposal or amendment, nor may the representative explain their vote.

Rule 26 – Explanations of vote
Representatives may make brief statements consisting solely of an explanation of their vote after the voting has been completed. A representative sponsoring a proposal shall not speak in explanation of vote thereon, except if it has been amended, and the member has voted against the proposal or motion. 
Explanations of vote may only be made by sponsors of a draft resolution who voted against passage of the document – a case only allowed if the draft resolution is amended via unfriendly amendment. To explain such a vote, the delegate must vote “No with rights” during a roll call vote on the draft resolution and will be granted a length of time to speak after the cessation of voting, but prior to the announcement of the vote total and the outcome of the vote. This speaking time shall be used only for the explanation of the shift in the delegate’s position as a result of amendment to the draft resolution. 

Rule 27 - Conduct during voting
After the Director has announced the commencement of voting, no representatives shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in connection with the actual process of voting. No communication of any variety shall take place between representatives during voting procedure.

Rule 28 - Division of proposals and amendments
Immediately before a proposal or amendment comes to a vote, a representative may move that parts of a proposal or of an amendment should be voted on separately. If there are calls for multiple divisions, those shall be voted upon in an order to be set by the President where the most radical division will be voted upon first. If opposition is made to the motion for division, the request for division shall be voted upon, requiring the support of a majority of those present and voting to pass. Permission to speak on the motion for division shall be given to two speakers in favor and two speakers against. If the motion for division is carried, those parts of the proposal or of the amendment that are involved shall then be put to a vote. If all operative parts of the proposal or of the amendment have been rejected, the proposal or the amendment shall be considered to have been rejected as a whole. For purposes of this rule, “most radical division” means the division that will remove the greatest substance from the draft resolution, but not necessarily the one that will remove the most words or clauses. The determination of which division is “most radical” is subject to the discretion of the Director, and any such determination is final. 

Rule 29 - Amendments
An amendment is a proposal that does no more than add to, delete from, or revise part of another proposal. An amendment can add, revise, or delete operative clauses, but cannot in any manner add, amend, delete, or otherwise affect perambulatory clauses. 

Rule 30 - Order of voting on amendments
When an amendment is moved to a proposal, the amendment shall be voted on first. When two or more amendments are moved to a proposal, the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal shall be voted on first and then the amendment next furthest removed there from, and so on until all the amendments have been put to the vote. Where, however, the adoption of one amendment necessarily implies the rejection of another amendment, the latter shall not be put to the vote. If one or more amendments are adopted, the amended proposal shall be voted upon following consideration of all proposed amendments. 
For purposes of this rule, “furthest removed in substance” means the amendment that will have the most significant impact on the draft resolution. The determination of which amendment is “furthest removed in substance” is subject to the discretion of the Secretariat, and any such determination is final. 

Rule 31 - Order of voting on proposals
If two or more proposals, other than amendments, relate to the same question, they shall, unless the Council decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted.  For purposes of this rule, “the order in which they were submitted” shall refer to the order in which proposals were approved by the Secretariat and thus the order in which proposals became draft resolutions.


Rule 32 - Applications
Any State that desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in formal instrument that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. 

Rule 33 - Notification of applications
The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session.

Rule 34 - Consideration of applications and decisions thereon
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership. 

Rule 35
If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of a special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. 

Rule 36 - Notification of decision and effective date of membership
The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the Assembly. If the applicant is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the Assembly takes its decision on the application. 

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